
Tel: +39 0571 902311

Tel: +39 0571 902501

Fax: +39 0571 902312

Glass Design s.r.l.

via Limitese, 122/124 – 50053 Vinci – FI – Italia
Cod.Fisc. e P.Iva Reg.Imprese n. IT 03519970481
REA Firenze n.369956 Capitale Sociale € 93.600 i.v.

    Glass Design Srl  handling and holding your personal data,  inform that the details you provide are used to fulfil all obligations deriving from commercial purposes.
    Your data processing is carried out through computer and data systems in the respect of your rights and privacy in compliance with the decree 196/2003.
    You could always assert your rights against the party entitled to hold your data, in compliance with Art.7 /decree 196/2003.

    I do accept Private terms and hereby authorize Glass Design Srl to handle and hold my personal data in accordance with the Italian Law 196/2003.

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